The four gospels 1992:
Festschrift Frans Neirynck
The four gospels 1992: Vol. I edited by F. Van Segbroeck et al. - Leuven Leuven University Press 1992 - Bibliotheca Ephemeridum Theologicarum Lovaniensium n.100 .
906186495X 9068313983
Bible NT
Neirynck, Frans--Criticism--Addresses--Biblio
The four gospels 1992: Vol. I edited by F. Van Segbroeck et al. - Leuven Leuven University Press 1992 - Bibliotheca Ephemeridum Theologicarum Lovaniensium n.100 .
906186495X 9068313983
Bible NT
Neirynck, Frans--Criticism--Addresses--Biblio