Journey to Gubuluwayo:
Henri Depelchin
Journey to Gubuluwayo: Letters of Frs. H. Depelchin and C. Croonenberghs SJ 1879,1880,1881 - Bulawayo Books of Rhodesia 1979 - Rhodesia reprint library: Silver series n. 024 .
0869201867 0869201891
Zambezi Misson
Jesuits in Southern Africa
Journey to Gubuluwayo: Letters of Frs. H. Depelchin and C. Croonenberghs SJ 1879,1880,1881 - Bulawayo Books of Rhodesia 1979 - Rhodesia reprint library: Silver series n. 024 .
0869201867 0869201891
Zambezi Misson
Jesuits in Southern Africa