Studia Patristica Vol.15 pt.1:
Livingstone, Elizabeth A. (ed.)
Studia Patristica Vol.15 pt.1: papers presented to the Seventh International Conference on Patristic Studies held in Oxford 1975; inaugural lecture, editiones, critica, biblica, historica, theologica, philosophica, liturgica - Berlin Akademia Verlag 1984 - Studia Patristica n.015 .
Fathers of the Church--Congresses
Studia Patristica Vol.15 pt.1: papers presented to the Seventh International Conference on Patristic Studies held in Oxford 1975; inaugural lecture, editiones, critica, biblica, historica, theologica, philosophica, liturgica - Berlin Akademia Verlag 1984 - Studia Patristica n.015 .
Fathers of the Church--Congresses