Encyclicals and other letters of Pius XII Vol.1
Pius XII|Pius XI
Encyclicals and other letters of Pius XII Vol.1 Anglican Orders - Apostolice Curae 1946|The Assumption of Our Blessed Lady - Munificentissimus Deus 1950|biblical studies - Divino afflante Spiritu 1943|Sodality of Our Lady - Bis Saeculari 1948|Christian worship - Mediator Dei 1947|Christmas radio broadc - London Catholic Truth Society, various dates . various dates
Mit Brennender Sorge was issued by Pius XI, but it had been drafted by the future Pius XII
Encyclicals and other letters of Pius XII Vol.1 Anglican Orders - Apostolice Curae 1946|The Assumption of Our Blessed Lady - Munificentissimus Deus 1950|biblical studies - Divino afflante Spiritu 1943|Sodality of Our Lady - Bis Saeculari 1948|Christian worship - Mediator Dei 1947|Christmas radio broadc - London Catholic Truth Society, various dates . various dates
Mit Brennender Sorge was issued by Pius XI, but it had been drafted by the future Pius XII