Uniting against terror:

Uniting against terror: Cooperative nonmilitary responses to the global terrorist threat Edited by David Cortright and George A. Lopez - Cambridge The MIT Press; 2007 - xxiii, 334p.; 23 cm.

Peace Studies Collection

Includes bibliographical references (p. 275-310) and index

Strategic counter-terrorism / David Cortright and George A. Lopez -- Global cooperation against terrorism : evaluating the United Nations Counter-terrorism Committee / David Cortright ... [et al.] -- Strengthening international law and global implementation / Eric Rosand and Alistair Millar -- Unilateral and multilateral strategies against state sponsors of terror : a case study of Libya, 1979 to 2003 / Thomas E. McNamara -- Cutting the deadly nexus : preventing the spread of weapons of mass destruction to terrorists / Alistair Millar and Jason Ipe -- Terrorism defanged : the Financial Action Task Force and international efforts to capture terrorist finances / Kathryn L. Gardner -- The European model of building regional cooperation against terrorism / Oldrich Bures and Stephanie Ahern -- Strategies and policy challenges for winning the fight against terrorism / David Cortright and George A. Lopez.

9780262532952 (pbk) 9780262033688 (hbk)

Terrorism--Prevention--International cooperation

HV 6431 UNI