Peacebuilding after peace accords:
Borer, Tristan Anne
Peacebuilding after peace accords: The challenges of violence, truth and youth Tristan Anne Borer, John Darby and Siobhàn McEvoy-Levy - Notre Dame, Indiana University of Notre Dame Press; 2006 - ix, 105 p.: 21 cm.
Peace Studies Collection
Includes bibliography.
9 780 268 022 044
Peacebuilding after peace accords: The challenges of violence, truth and youth Tristan Anne Borer, John Darby and Siobhàn McEvoy-Levy - Notre Dame, Indiana University of Notre Dame Press; 2006 - ix, 105 p.: 21 cm.
Peace Studies Collection
Includes bibliography.
9 780 268 022 044