Rethinking Africa's globalization Volume I:
Zeleza, Paul Tiyambe
Rethinking Africa's globalization Volume I: The intellectual challenges Paul Tiyambe Zeleza - Trenton, NJ Africa World Press, Inc; 2003 - xi, 500 p. 23 cm
Peace Studies Collection
Includes bibliography and index
1 592 210 384 1592210376
Africa--Africa--Study and teaching (Higher)--Intellectual life
DT 19.8 ZEL
Rethinking Africa's globalization Volume I: The intellectual challenges Paul Tiyambe Zeleza - Trenton, NJ Africa World Press, Inc; 2003 - xi, 500 p. 23 cm
Peace Studies Collection
Includes bibliography and index
1 592 210 384 1592210376
Africa--Africa--Study and teaching (Higher)--Intellectual life
DT 19.8 ZEL