The Executed God :

Taylor, Mark L. 1951-

The Executed God : the way of the cross in lockdown America / Mark Lewis Taylor. - Minneapolis, Minn. : Augsburg Fortress, 2001. - xvi, 208 p. ; 23 cm.

Introduction: The Executed God -- The Theatrics of Terror. Lockdown America: A Theater of Terror. Theatrics and Sacrifice in the U.S.-Led Imperium -- A Theatrics of Counterterror. Way of the Cross as Adversarial Politics. Stealing the Show: Way of the Cross as Dramatic Action. Way of the Cross as Building Peoples' Movements. Epilogue: Christian Living: Toward a Fullness of Rebellion. Pt. 1. 1. 2. Pt. 2. 3. 4. 5.

"In The Executed God, theologian Mark Taylor dares to address the meaning of Jesus' execution for an American culture that now maintains more than 3,600 U.S. residents on the death rows of its burgeoning prisons.". "Taylor shows that the death penalty is only one aspect of "lockdown America," and The Executed God suggests how Christians can resist and transform this whole system, which incarcerates two million people (70 percent of them people of color) and commits frequent violations of fairness in process and results.". "In creative and fresh ways, Taylor mines Christian traditions for a new understanding of "the way of the cross" today. His work fosters compassionate and effective Christian action and convincingly relates the life-engendering power of God - demonstrated in Jesus' cross and resurrection - to the potential transformation of systems of imprisonment and death."--BOOK JACKET.

0800632834 (alk. paper)


Punishment--Religious aspects--Christianity.
Imprisonment--Religious aspects
Capital punishment--Religious aspects--Christianity.
Criminal justice, Administration of--1. Punishment - Religious aspects - Christianity 2. Imprisonment 3.Capital punishment 4. Criminal justice, Administration of 5. Christianity and justice - United States--United States.
Christianity and justice--United States.

HV 8687.T38
