The Aramaic sections of Ezra and Daniel :

Jerusalmi, Isaac, 1928-

The Aramaic sections of Ezra and Daniel : a philological commentary with frequent references to Talmudic Aramaic parallels and a synopsis of the regular verb by Isaac Jerusalmi. - 2nd rev. ed. - Cincinnati, Ohio : Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion, 1978, c1970. - 184 leaves ; 28 cm. - Auxiliary materials for the study of Semitic languages ; no. 7 . - Auxiliary materials for the study of Semitic languages ; 7. .

Aramaic title at head. In English; includes Aramaic text with Arabic, Hebrew and Syriac translations.

Bible.--Ezra--Criticism, interpretation, etc.
Bible.--Daniel--Criticism, interpretation, etc.

Aramaic language--Grammar.
Aramaic language--Verb.