Seven words with a woman of Samaria dialogical and dramatic development of Christology in John 4
Orji, Chukwuemeka
Seven words with a woman of Samaria dialogical and dramatic development of Christology in John 4 Chukwuemeka Orji - Nairobi African Jesuit Publications 2014 - 135 pages 25 cm - New Testament Supplement: Collected Essays Series 01 .
Maps P.133-135
Includes Bibliographical references and index
Bible N.T. --Criticism, interpretation, etc
Jesus Christ--Person
Seven words with a woman of Samaria dialogical and dramatic development of Christology in John 4 Chukwuemeka Orji - Nairobi African Jesuit Publications 2014 - 135 pages 25 cm - New Testament Supplement: Collected Essays Series 01 .
Maps P.133-135
Includes Bibliographical references and index
Bible N.T. --Criticism, interpretation, etc
Jesus Christ--Person