Negotiating Afropolitanism:

Negotiating Afropolitanism: Essays on borders and spaces in contemporary African literature and folklore / Edited by Jennifer Wawrzinek and J.K.S. Makokha. - Amsterdam ; New York : Rodopi, 2011. - 371 p. ; 24 cm. - Internationale Forschungen zur allgemeinen und vergleichenden Literaturwissenschaft ; 146 . - Internationale Forschungen zur allgemeinen und vergleichenden Literaturwissenschaft ; 146. .

Includes bibliographical references.

On Afropolitanism / In the spirit of Afropolitanism / Border crossings, precarity, syncretism. Afropolitanism and erudition in Francophone African novels, 1994-2000 / Precarity and picaresque in contemporary Nigerian prse : an exemplary reading of Ben Okri's The famished road / Border crossing through myth-making : the unbarred muse in selected Nigerian literature / Syncretic worldviews in Wole Soyinka's The interpreters / Dissidence, absence, transgression. Dogs and dissidents at the border : narrative outbreak in Patrice Nganang's Temps de Chien / Addressing the absent other in J.M. Coetzee's Age of iron / Nearly ending the world the African way : Pepetela's suspension of capital's frontiers and flows in O quase fim do mundo / A post-modern on the postmodern : conflict and corporeality in Nuruddin Farah's Links / Sociology/matriology in Maghreb writing : space and feminine transgression in Fanon's Sociologie d'une révolution and Chraibi's La civilisation, ma mere! / Unhomeliness, diasporic narration, heterotopia. Negotiating dislocated identities in the space of post-colonial chaos : Goretti Kyomuhendo's Waiting / No place to call home : citizenship and belonging in M.G. Vassanji's The in-between world of Vikram Lall / Weaving exilic narratives : homodiegetic narration and postcolonial translocation in Abdulrazak Gurnah's Admiring Silence / Between diasporic identity and agency : versions of the pastoral in Gurnah's Pilgrams way and Mahjoub's Navigation of a rainmaker / Locating cultural ambivalence and afropolitanism : Nairobi and Dar-es-Salaam as heterotopia in the fiction of Dawood and Vassanji / Language, borders, spaces. Across the language border : the case of bilingual writers in Tanzania / Sheng literature in Kenya : socio-linguistic borders and spaces in popular poetry / "Na hawa watu lazima wakuwe serious!" : FM radio spaces and folkloric performance of cosmopolitan identities in Kenya / Empire speaks back : authenticity, folk voices and re-presentation of across in Gikutu radio narratives / Simon Gikandi -- J.K.S. Makokha -- Sim Kilosho Kabale ; Jens Frederic Elze-Volland ; Sola Ogunbayo ; Fella Benabed -- Catherine Kroll ; Jennifer Wawrzinek ; Phillip Rothwell ; John E. Masterson ; Russell West-Pavlov -- Emilia Ilieva and Lennox Odiemo-Munara ; Nadini Iyer ; Remmy Shiundu Barasa and J.K.S. Makokha ; Maria Jesus Cabarcos Traseira ; Godwin Siundu -- Mikhail Gromov ; Alina N. Rinkanya ; Mbugua wa Mungai ; Michael Wainaina.

9789042032224 (hardback) 9789042032231 (ebook)


African literature--History and criticism.--20th century
Politics and literature--Africa.

PL8010 / .N43 2011
