The impact of revenge on reconciliation in the Orma-Pokomo conflcit
Wirkwajie, Eugine Wirba
The impact of revenge on reconciliation in the Orma-Pokomo conflcit Eugene Wirba Wirkwajie - Nairobi Hekima University College 2015 - 91 pages 27 cm
Conflict --Orma-Pokomo --Kenya--Management
Peace--Orma-Pokomo Tribes (Kenya)--Social aspects
PSI WIR 2015
PSI WIR 2015
The impact of revenge on reconciliation in the Orma-Pokomo conflcit Eugene Wirba Wirkwajie - Nairobi Hekima University College 2015 - 91 pages 27 cm
Conflict --Orma-Pokomo --Kenya--Management
Peace--Orma-Pokomo Tribes (Kenya)--Social aspects
PSI WIR 2015
PSI WIR 2015