The gospel of the family :

Pérez-Soba, Juan-José,

The gospel of the family : going beyond Cardinal Kasper's proposal in the debate on marriage, civil re-marriage, and communion in the Church / Juan José Perez-Soba and Stephan Kampowski ; foreword by George Cardinal Pell ; translated by Michael J. Miller. - San Francisco Ignatius Press 2014 - 255 pages ; 21 cm

Announcing the gospel of the family in a sex-saturated culture -- The truth of sacramental marriage: where mercy and faithfulness meet -- The experience of the primitive church: faithfulness to the gospel of the family -- A life given in time: rebuilding the moral subject -- A pastoral ministry of mercy: living the truth in charity -- Conclusion: a gospel, rather than a problem -- Appendix: thirty key questions for the synods on the family.

9781586179946 (pbk. : alk. paper) 1586179942 (pbk. : alk. paper)


Kasper, Walter, 1933- Gospel of the family.

Catholic Church--Doctrines.

Families--Religious aspects--Catholic Church.
Marriage--Religious aspects--Catholic Church.
Divorce--Religious aspects--Catholic Church.

BX2351 PER / .P44 2014

BX2351 PER