Democracy in the teaching of the Popes:
Schooyans, Michel
Democracy in the teaching of the Popes: preliminary report Michel Schooyans - Vatican City Pontificiae Academiae Scientiarvm Socialivm 1998 - 40 pages 27 cm
Includes bibliographical references
Catholic Church--Doctrines
Economics--Catholic Church--Religious aspects
Capitalism--Catholic Church--Religious aspects
Democracy--Catholic Church--Religious aspects
BX 1792.E27 SCH
Democracy in the teaching of the Popes: preliminary report Michel Schooyans - Vatican City Pontificiae Academiae Scientiarvm Socialivm 1998 - 40 pages 27 cm
Includes bibliographical references
Catholic Church--Doctrines
Economics--Catholic Church--Religious aspects
Capitalism--Catholic Church--Religious aspects
Democracy--Catholic Church--Religious aspects
BX 1792.E27 SCH