A history of the Council of Trent.
Jedin, Hubert, 1900-1980.
A history of the Council of Trent. Translated from the German by Ernest Graf. - St. Louis, B. Herder Book Co. [1957- ] - v. illus. 25 cm.
Translation of: Geschichte des Konzils von Trient.
Includes bibliographies.
a 58001432
Council of Trent Trento, Italy) (1545-1563 :
BX830 1545 / .J3513
BX 830.1545 JED
A history of the Council of Trent. Translated from the German by Ernest Graf. - St. Louis, B. Herder Book Co. [1957- ] - v. illus. 25 cm.
Translation of: Geschichte des Konzils von Trient.
Includes bibliographies.
a 58001432
Council of Trent Trento, Italy) (1545-1563 :
BX830 1545 / .J3513
BX 830.1545 JED