Christian thought :

Meister, Chad V., 1965-

Christian thought : a historical introduction / Chad Meister and J. B. Stump. - 1st ed. - London ; New York : Routledge, 2010. - xii, 540 p. : ill., maps ; 24 cm.

Includes bibliographical references and index.

Introduction -- Incubations and origins : the ancient period, 500 BCE-70 CE. The pre-history of Christian thought -- Jesus of Nazareth -- The Apostle Paul : his thought and context -- The break from Judaism -- Definition and resistance : the Patristic period, 70-451. Persecution of Christians -- Spirituality and asceticism : the desert fathers and mothers -- The Christian apologists : interacting with gnosticism and other "heresies" -- The early church councils : Christological controversy and definition -- Trinitarian debate -- Formation of the New Testament canon -- Augustine : philosopher, theologian, and church father -- Establishment and diversification : the medieval period, 500-1500. Monasticism of the early Middle Ages -- Eastern Christianity splits from the West -- Anselm, Abelard, and Bernard -- Islam and Judaism in the Middle Ages -- Women and theology in the Middle Ages -- Thomas Aquinas -- Preparation for reform -- Protest and revolution : the Reformation period, 1500-1700. Martin Luther -- The Reformed tradition -- Protesting against the Protestants : Anabaptism and the Radical Reformation -- Reformation continues : the English and the Catholics -- Enlightenment and evolution : the modern period, 1700-2000. The challenge of modernism -- Pietism and revivalism -- Romanticism's response to Enlightenment theology -- Neo-orthodoxy : Karl Barth and others -- Major theological traditions and developments in the twentieth century -- Conclusion : recent and emerging themes.



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Church history.

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BR 145.3 MEI