The eternal message of Muhammad.
ʻAzzām, ʻAbd al-Raḥmān.
The eternal message of Muhammad. Translated from the Arabic by Caesar E. Farah. With an introd. by Vincent Sheean. - New York, Devin-Adair Co., 1964. - xxi, 297 p. 22 cm.
Bibliographical footnotes.
Muḥammad, Prophet, -632.
BP161.2 / A993
BP 161.2 AZZ
The eternal message of Muhammad. Translated from the Arabic by Caesar E. Farah. With an introd. by Vincent Sheean. - New York, Devin-Adair Co., 1964. - xxi, 297 p. 22 cm.
Bibliographical footnotes.
Muḥammad, Prophet, -632.
BP161.2 / A993
BP 161.2 AZZ