The meaning of the word :

The meaning of the word : lexicology and Qur'anic exegesis / edited by S.R. Burge. - Oxford : Oxford University Press, in association with The Institute of Ismaili Studies, 2015. - xxv, 513 pages ; 24 cm. - Qur'anic studies series ; 13 . - Qur'anic studies series ; 13. .

Includes bibliographical references (pages 447-487) and index.

9780198724131 0198724136


GBB4C9416 bnb

016945841 Uk

Qurʼan--Criticism, interpretation, etc.--Congresses.
Qurʼan--Commentaries--History and criticism.
Qurʼan--Language, style.

Arabic language--Lexicology.

BP130.2 MEA / .M43 2015

BP 130.2 MEA