Qur'anic hermeneutics :

Galadari, Abdulla,

Qur'anic hermeneutics : between science, history, and the Bible / Abdulla Galadari. - London Bloomsbury 2018 - 263 pages ; 25 cm

Includes bibliographical references (pages 215-245) and index.

Interpretation according to the Qurʼan -- Examples of intertextual polysemy from Qurʼanic and Arabic perspectives -- The relationship between the Qurʼan and the Bible -- Examples of intertextual polysemy between the Qurʼan and the Bible -- Allegorical interpretation.

9781350070028 (HB) 9781350070035 (epdf)



BP130.2 GAL / .G35 2018

BP 130 GAL