In search of the original Koran :

Sfar, Mondher.

In search of the original Koran : the true history of the revealed text / Mondher Sfar ; translated by Emilia Lanier. - Amherst, N.Y. : Prometheus Books, 2008. - 152 pages ; 24 cm.

Includes bibliographical references (pages 125-133) and index.

The Koran is not the original one -- Transmission of meaning -- The theory of variants -- The variants of the Koran -- From variation to manipulation -- The Satanic revelations -- By the Prophet's side -- Other ambiguities of the mode of revelation -- The whole revelation? -- Lost or unretained texts -- Two brief prayers removed from the Koran -- On interpolation -- The components of the Koran -- The verses: a late invention -- The surahs -- The preambles -- The mysterious letters -- The division of surahs -- The Basmala and al-Rah̲mân -- The titles of surahs -- Writings of the Koran -- The difficulties of the writing -- The myth of "Uthmân" -- The manuscript of Samarkand -- The myth of authenticity -- The scribal function -- Stereotypes and phraseology -- The practice of recomposition -- Al-Qurʼân, a scribal work -- Myths and prejudices -- The myth of originality -- From the kitâb to the Qurʼân -- The myth of the collection -- The myth of perfect transmission -- The myth of inimitability -- Authenticity of the wah̲y -- Conclusion -- Appendix: the solar eclipse on January 27th, 632 CE -- The sole scientific date -- A great enigma -- A conjugal psychodrama -- The eclipse and the farewell pilgrimage.

9781591025214 (hardback) 1591025214


Qurʼan--Evidences, authority, etc.

Islam--Controversial literature.

BP169 / .S4313 2008
