The voice of God on Mount Sinai :

Neudecker, Reinhard, 1938-

The voice of God on Mount Sinai : Rabbinic commentaries on Exodus 20:1 in the light of Sufi and Zen-Buddhist texts / Reinhard Neudecker. - Fourth, revised edition - Roma : Gregorian and Biblical Press, 2012. - xvi, 157 pages ; 22 cm. - Subsidia Biblica ; 23 .

Includes bibliographical references (pages 171-180) and index.

8876536191 9788876536595 (paperback)


Bible.--Exodus, 20:1--Criticism, interpretation, etc., Jewish.

Rabbinical literature--History and criticism.
Zen Buddhism.

BS1245.52 / .N48 2002
