Matthew : chapters 13 through 28 /

Carson, D. A. 1946-

Matthew : chapters 13 through 28 / D. A. Carson. - Grand Rapids, Mich. : Zondervan, ©1995. - xvi, 300-599 pages : 24 cm. - The expositor's Bible commentary : with the new international version ; 2 . - Expositor's Bible commentary : with the new international version ; 2 .

Includes bibliographical references and index.

[v. 1] Matthew chapters 1 through 12 -- [v. 2] Matthew chapters 13 through 28.

0310499712 (softcover : v. 2) 9780310499718 (softcover : v. 2)


Bible. N.T.--Matthew--Commentaries.

BS2341.2 / .E96 1995 vol. 2
