Library Rules and Regulations

Fines and Circulation Rules

Effective: 1 August 2013
Current checkouts Length of Loan Permitted Renewals Fine Amount per day per item late
Certificate Students 15 items 14 days Once 5 KES
HIPSIR Students 15 items 14 days Twice 5 KES
Theology Students 15 items 14 days Twice 5 KES
HIPSIR Faculty (Permanent) 20 items 28 days Twice 5 KES
HIPSIR Faculty (Visiting) 20 items 28 days Twice 50 KES
Theology Faculty - Permanent 20 items 28 days Twice 5 KES
Theology Faculty - Visiting 20 items 28 days Twice 50 KES
Library Staff 15 items 14 days Twice 5 KES
Non Academic Staff 5 items 7 days Twice 5 KES
Other Classes of Membership
Associate Members (with loan privileges) 5 items 14 days Once 100 KES
External Members (Reading Only) 0 items 0 days Once 0 KES
Jesuit Historical Institute in Africa 20 items 28 days Twice 5 KES
Visiting Jesuits 5 items 14 days Once 100 KES
Please note that, unless a hold has been placed on a book, you are usually allowed to renew your books for the full period of their length of loan.

Our library has the following Rules and Regulations which are published in the Academic Programme & Calendar (Thirtieth Academic Year 2013/2014 edition) on page 8, and the Student Handbook (August 2013 edition) on pages 37-40. They are reproduced here below:

From the Academic Programme & Calendar:

  • 2.1 The College has its own library of more than 90,000 volumes. It acquires periodicals specialising in Theology, Peace Studies and International Relations.
  • 2.2 The system of classification is that of the Library of Congress. There are index cabinets for author, title, subject headings and collections.
  • 2.3 Students are allowed to borrow 15 books for two weeks and these can be renewed. There is a penalty imposed for late return of books.
  • 2.4 Lecturers and students of other institutions may use the library for consultation and study during opening hours as per the regulations of the Hekima Library.
  • 2.5 Inter-library loans are arranged.
  • 2.6 For further information contact the Librarian.
  • 2.7 Opening Hours
    Monday to Friday: 0800 - 1230 Hours and 1400 - 1745 Hours
    Saturday 0900 - 1230 Hours 1430 - 1630 Hours
    Sunday 1500 - 1700 Hours
    Note: Hekima Library is closed on public holidays

From the Student Handbook:

Sometimes the Library is included in other sections of the Handbook, e.g.

  • 3.1 Academic Discipline: 3.1.1 The following are defined as academic offences: ... (g) Stealing, taking without authorization, or damaging library books and other materials. (page 7)
  • 3.4 Library Penalties: In the case of stealing, taking without authorization or damaging library books and other facilities, the student will pay a fine. In addition, the student may be suspended from the College by the Academic Board for one semester or for a period that the Disciplinary Committee for Library Offences may deem fit. (pages 22-23)
  • 3.8.3 Further, students are expected to refrain from: ... (d) smoking in public places e.g. lecture halls, corridors, toilets, cafeteria, library etc... (q) failing to observe library regulations (page 24)
  • 3.10 Disciplinary Procedures for Offences: 3.10.1 Academic offences will be reported to the Dean of the Faculty concerned while Library offences will be reported to the Chief Librarian. (page 25)

But there is also an entire Section devoted to the Library, viz.

  • 4.1 Library Users
  • Hekima College Library is open for the following categories of users subject to the conditions below which may be reviewed from time to time by the library personnel:
    • 4.1.1 Staff, registered students of Hekima College and registered Hekima College Alumni, on production of a valid identity card.
    • 4.1.2 Graduate students/teachers from institutions whose libraries are in consortium (KRIC) with Hekima College library on production of a valid ID card.
    • 4.1.3 Paid-up individuals on production of a valid Hekima College library membership card.
  • 4.2 Library Regulations
    • (a) The opening hours of the main library are displayed on the library notice boards.
    • (b) No overcoats, bulky jackets or headgear are allowed into the library. These are to be deposited temporarily in the designated area of the Library. Should somebody enter the library with them, he/she will be subject to a thorough checking at the discretion the librarian.
    • (c) No pocket bags, umbrellas and personal serials / books with the exception of notebooks are allowed into the library.
    • (d) Any Hekima College student is required to produce a valid ID card for identification at the main library entrance. Any other users from elsewhere will be required to produce a valid ID Card/National ID card/Passport etc.
    • (e) Every library user is subject to inspection at the main library entrance when leaving the library.
    • (f) The library offices are out of bounds to the students. In case of any enquiries/problem consult the circulation librarian.
    • (g) Littering with waste papers, sweet wrappings, chewed gums etc, is prohibited in the library.
    • (h) Smoking, eating and drinking are not allowed in the library.
    • (i) All the library users are requested to return reading materials at the designated area after use. No user is permitted to re-shelve any reading material.
    • (j) Absolute silence is to be observed in the library. Mobile phones ought to remain turned off in the library.
    • (k) Voluminous library items must always be referred to on flat desks/tables.
    • (l) The computers meant for the users in the library are only for research purposes.
    • (m) Using diskettes/CDROMs/DVD-ROMs/Flash-drives/External/phones on the library computers is strictly prohibited.
    • (n) Those who wish to photocopy reading materials from Hekima College library may make use of the photocopy services available as long as they observe copyright regulations.
    • (o) Writing on or underlining in library reading materials, tearing pages from books or damaging library reading materials in any other way is strictly prohibited.
    • (p) Any student whose conduct in the Library is unbecoming will be reported to the Library Disciplinary Committee for action.
    • (q) Drawing and writing on library tables, walls, windows or doors is strictly prohibited.
    • (r) Books in the reserve section are open to the library users.
    • (s) Reference material may only be read within the library.
    • (t) All new students are required to attend the library orientation program before using library services.
  • 4.3 Borrowing Services
    • 4.3.1 Reference books, unpublished theses/dissertations, Africana reading materials, reserved reading materials and periodicals are not for borrowing. In exceptional cases, overnight borrowing may be authorized.
    • 4.3.2 Hekima College students may borrow books for the following duration:
      • (a) Students may borrow up to the maximum number of books allowed from the library and return them within the time frame
      • (b) No borrowing for Alumni
      • (c) To check out a book, both the borrower and circulation staff verify the condition of the book. The borrower writes his/her name on the card handed to him/her by the circulation staff who then stamps the due date on it together with the book pocket using an appropriate ink depending on the condition of the book.
      • (d) Borrowing books from the library is allowed up to fifteen minutes before closing time.
      • (e) Each student must personally return the book (s), which he/she borrowed, to the circulation staff at the counter.
      • (f) A circulation librarian may call back any borrowed book (s) at any time.
      • (g) During library stock-taking, no borrowing will be allowed.
  • 4.4 Penalties and Fines
  • Subject to the violation of the set up regulations, Hekima College library may penalize users through instituting fines. The conditions below may result in such penalties:
    • (a) Failure to return a borrowed book/item on time calls for payment of a stipulated fine for each overdue day, including Sundays, other days of obligation, and public holidays, after a grace period of three days.
    • (b) Any user who has ignored reminders to return borrowed books forfeits his/her borrowing privileges.
    • (c) The circulation librarian calculates the cost to be paid by the borrower for the replacement of any lost or damaged book/ reading materials.
  • 4.5 Inter-library Loans
    • 4.5.1 Hekima College library offers inter-library loan services to its users.
    • 4.5.2 The following are the procedures for using the inter-library loans facility:
      • (a) Students and staff should fill in their book request forms and submit them to the Hekima College inter-library loan office.
      • (b) The office forwards the requests to other libraries that are in the consortium on specified days.
      • (c) The inter-library loan office does not accept responsibility for any reading materials a student borrows from another library unless it endorses the request.
      • (d) Whoever fails to return reading materials borrowed on an inter-library basis by its due date forfeits his/her inter-library borrowing privileges. He/she will be required to pay a fine if this is demanded by the lending library.

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